Science, Vol 373, Issue 6556,13 August 2021
生物學(xué)和考古學(xué)Biology & Archaeology
Lifetime mobility of an Arctic woolly mammoth
▲ 感謝分享:Matthew J. Wooller, Clement Bataille, Patrick Druckenmiller, Gregory M. Erickson, Karen J. Spaleta, Amy D. Willis, etc.
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Abstract: Fossils have long given us glimpses of the life that came before us, but these glimpses are generally static. They tell us a bit about species that lived, but not much about how they lived. Evolving techniques are deepening our viewpoint. Wooller et al. examined isotopes collected from the tusk of a 17,000-year-old mammoth to elucidate its movements from birth to death. This included its time—likely with a herd—as an infant and juvenile, then as a prime-age adult, and then as a declining senior over its approximately 28-year life span.
A fossil record of land plant origins from charophyte algae
▲ 感謝分享:Paul K. Strother, Clinton Foster
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Until now, the first fossil evidence of land plants was from the Devonian era 420 million years ago. However, molecular phylogenetic evidence has suggested an earlier origin in the Cambrian. Strother and Foster describe an assemblage of fossil spores from Ordivician deposits in Australia dating to approximately 480 million years ago These spores are of intermediate morphology between confirmed land plant spores and earlier forms of uncertain relationship. This finding may help to resolve discrepancies between molecular and fossil data for the timing of land plant origins.
Daily energy expenditure through the human life course
▲ 感謝分享:Herman Pontzer, Yosuke Yamada, Hiroyuki Sagayama, Klaas R. Westerterp, William W. Wong,etrc.
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Measurements of total and basal energy in a large cohort of subjects at ages spanning from before birth to old age document distinct changes that occur during a human lifetime. Pontzer et al. report that energy expenditure (adjusted for weight) in neonates was like that of adults but increased substantially in the first year of life. It then gradually declined until young individuals reached adult characteristics, which were maintained from age 20 to 60 years. Older individuals showed reduced energy expenditure. Tissue metabolism thus appears not to be constant but rather to undergo transitions at critical junctures.
Observation of microwave shielding of ultracold molecules
▲ 感謝分享:Lo?c Anderegg, Sean Burchesky, Yicheng Bao, Scarlett S. Yu, Tijs Karman, Eunmi Chae, Kang-Kuen Ni, Wolfgang Ketterle, John M. Doyle
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Ultracold molecules hold promise for a wide range of exciting applications. However, such applications are currently hampered by the limited number of ultracold molecular ensembles that can be created and by their short lifetimes. Anderegg et al. used a microwave dressing field to tune the collisional properties of calcium monofluoride molecules trapped in optical tweezers. This approach allowed a sixfold suppression of inelastic trap-loss collisions. This scheme paves the way for the creation of a variety of long-lived ultracold molecular ensembles.
A characteristic optical variability time scale in astrophysical accretion disks
▲ 感謝分享:Colin J. Burke, Yue Shen, Omer Blaes, Charles F. Gammie, Keith Horne, Yan-Fei Jiang, Xin Liu, Ian M. McHardy, Christopher W. Morgan, Simone Scaringi, Qian Yang
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Active galactic nuclei contain a supermassive black hole (SMBH) surrounded by an accretion disk. As disk material falls toward the SMBH, it heats up enough to emit optical light. Burke et al. investigated how such optical emission varies over time in a sample of 67 active galaxies. They observed a characteristic variability in timing that scaled with the SMBH mass. The results elucidate the physical processes within accretion disks and provide a method to estimate SMBH mass from optical variability observations.
Multicomponent superconducting order parameter in UTe2
▲ 感謝分享:I. M. Hayes, D. S. Wei, T. Metz, J. Zhang, Y. S. Eo, J. Paglione, etc.
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An unconventional superconducting state was recently discovered in uranium ditelluride (UTe2), in which spin-triplet superconductivity emerges from the paramagnetic normal state of a heavy-fermion material. The coexistence of magnetic fluctuations and superconductivity, together with the crystal structure of this material, suggests that a distinctive set of symmetries, magnetic properties, and topology underlie the superconducting state. Here, we report observations of a nonzero polar Kerr effect and of two transitions in the specific heat upon entering the superconducting state, which together suggest that the superconductivity in UTe2 is characterized by a two-component order parameter that breaks time-reversal symmetry. These data place constraints on the symmetries of the order parameter and inform the discussion on the presence of topological superconductivity in UTe2.
Chemically recyclable thermoplastics from reversible-deactivation polymerization of cyclic acetals
▲ 感謝分享:Brooks A. Abel, Rachel L. Snyder, Geoffrey W. Coates, etc.
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Cyclic acetals such as dioxolane are appealing building blocks for recyclable plastics but have proven to be difficult to polymerize controllably. Abel et al. show that optimal pairing of a bromomethyl ether and indium or zinc Lewis acid produces polydioxolane with high tensile strength that may be advantageous for packaging applications. Heating this plastic in strong acid easily breaks it back down to its acetal monomer, which can then be recovered by distillation from mixed plastic waste streams in high yield.
Boridene: Two-dimensional Mo4/3B2-x with ordered metal vacancies obtained by chemical exfoliation
▲ 感謝分享:Jie Zhou, Justinas Palisaitis, Joseph Halim, Martin Dahlqvist, Quanzheng Tao, Johanna Rosen, etc.
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A range of two-dimensional (2D) materials, including graphene and hexagonal boron nitride, have been synthesized and studied because of the unusual properties that occur when one dimension becomes very small. MXenes are a family of materials made of layers of inorganic transition metal carbides and nitrides that are a few atoms thick and are manufactured by selective etching. Attempts to make similar boridene materials have been challenging because of the reactive nature of boride phases and because the parent materials tend to dissolve rather than selectively etch. Zhou et al. synthesized boridene in the form of single-layer 2D molybdenum boride sheets by selective etching in aqueous hydrofluoric acid to produce sheets with ordered metal vacancies, opening up an additional family of materials for study.